technique and rurality in organic area

Technique and Rurality in Organic Area is the certified base of Agricola Villa Lupara which is also recognized as an Eco-Sustainable company. This philosophy has led to this research project on the study of chemical and physical structure of the grape and its nutritional properties, called: “WINE WITHOUT SULFITES”.
The project started in 2006 and led to the birth of the wines “Il Puro Black and Il Puro White”.
These wines are made from organic grapes, vinified with skilled and innovative winemaking techniques, which guarantee – among other things – the complete absence of sulfites in all processing stages.
Following this methodology, we are able to produce a wine without sulfites, which lasts over time, preserving the typical aromas and flavors of the grape and its region of origin.

With their belief in the research of a healthy product, Agricola Villla Lupara created red and white wines that due to their characteristics, became the subject of university studies in “Nutraceutical and Pharmacy Departments” which have in turn emphasized the high value nutraceutica of the structure. The “spirit” of Il Puro is positioned to change the way people relate to drinking wine.
The evaluation of the polyphenolic composition and antioxidant properties of red and white wines from Agricola Villa Lupara vineyards shows higher values in the samples than those reported elsewhere for the same variety of wines from a different geographical region and other more conventional wines.
During in vitro assays, lyophilised samples demonstrated the ability to store their antioxidant properties. The best results were exhibited by the white wine samples which revealed excellent antiproliferative activity on intestinal neoplastic cells and an appreciable extent of radical scavenging activity on cardiomyocytes. The results identified the wine samples and their processed form as products with high added nutritional value and therapeutic potential.

The soil dedicated to the grapes frames the Villa, starting from the parking lot, reaching the woods and going down the large valley towards the sea. The Vineyard is the beating heart of the entire premises, cultivated parsimoniously and with love following ICEA certified organic methods. It is the father of “Il Puro” wine, a true delicacy for Bacchus and a real innovation for the wine industry.
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Contact us
Socetà Agricola
Via Fossa Lupara 12, 84125
Località Croce (Salerno)
P. Iva 04046110658